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Brief Stop at Mesa Falls and Terry’s Garden Treasures

While we had been building in Rexburg we drove out to Mesa Falls on our weekend off. Originally we planned on a hike or two in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest but the consecutive weeks of working outside in high temperatures were taking it’s toll and so we opted to play tourist and substitute some easier walks for the mountain trails. Mesa Falls, a spectacular 114 foot drop on the Henrys Fork River that could be accessed via a short stroll, fit the bill.

After our build ended in Rexburg we were southbound, headed to Utah to take care of some business related to our maintaining residency in the state. It was also an opportunity to visit friends and, of course, go hiking in my beloved Dixie National Forest (more on that in future posts).

Parking for a couple weeks in our friend Terry’s driveway, we enjoyed not only his company but the use of his garden. Lucky for us, our visit coincided with a zucchini glut that forced me (wink, wink) to bake a bunch of zucchini muffins – and a spiced zucchini loaf with “cream cheese” frosting which unfortunately didn’t get photographed (but tasted awesome). We also benefitted from loads of squash, brocolli, cabbage, kale, corn, and peppers that found their way into our shared nightly dinners. I haven’t had access to a garden in awhile and it was wonderful to be able to gather fresh veggies in the evenings. It was also nice to simply spend time in the garden, whether it be weeding, staking tomatoes, culling out of control wild sunflowers, or just enjoying the atmosphere.

Monster zucchini

Cherry pie and (regular) zucchini muffins

Double chocolate zucchini muffins and double dinner prep

Molasses ginger zucchini muffins with maple vanilla glaze

Harvesting dinner veggies

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